User's Manual

* Feature of each control
- keyword : Type the word that you want to search in edit box, you can
search the word.
- entries : The word list, related to the search word, will be displayed (it
will be activated after search the word)
- contents : The status box which is displayed explanation of the word (it
will be activated after search the word)
- search : Type the word and move to 'search' button and then press
enter to search
- close : To exit the Sense dictionary Search word
When the Sense dictionary execute, the first control will be keyword.
Type the word that you want to search in keyword edit box and press
You can also search the word using 'search' button, after typing the word
in keyword edit box and press TAB to move to 'search' button.
If the keyword does not exist in dictionary data,'the word not found' will
be announced and move back to the keyword edit box to type different
If the keyword exists, you can check the explanation of the word that you
want to search. If there are more than 2 related words, 'entries' will be
In this case, you can move to the item by pressing Up arrow or Down
arrow and you can also check the explanation of the word by pressing
TAB. Navigating through each control in Sense dictionary
1) Following keys are used to navigate each control
- Move to next control: TAB
- Move to previous control: SHIFT-TAB
2) Navigating through list in entries control
- Move to next item: Down arrow
- Move to previous item: Up arrow
- Move to the end of item: End or CTRL-End
- Move to the beginning of item: Home or CTRL-Home