User's Manual

346 Save Items
“Save Items” is a dialog box that has an edit window for typing in the
item name, a “Confirm” button and a “Cancel” button. You can move
between the control items by pressing “tab”or “shift-tab”. In the “Variable
Calculators” menu, you can access “Save Items” by pressing “s.” When
you are in the calculation line, you can press “Alt-s” to open the save
items dialog box. When you are on the calculation line if you type in the
item name, and formula, “a=2+sin(30),” followed by pressing “Enter,” the
calculation will be saved automatically. In your calculating result, you
can access “Save Items” to type in an item name in the edit box, and
then you can save it by pressing “Enter” directly or by pressing “Enter”
on the “Confirm” button. If you type in function names like “sin,” “cos,” or
“pi” as an item name, you will see the message “Invalid item name,” and
if you type in names that have already been saved, you will see a
message that says, “Replace variable xx with current value? Yes.” If you
want to change the value, press “Enter” on “Yes.” And if you do not want
to change the value, press “Enter” on “No.” Press “Space” to toggle
between “Yes” and “No.” Statistics Function
If you select this menu item, a dialog box opens, which consists of a list
box containing all the stored variables, a list box displaying the results of
several functions, and a “Close” button. You can move between these
elements by pressing “tab,” or “shift-tab.” You can bring up this dialog
box by pressing “Alt-t” in the calculator line, or by pressing “t” in the
“Variable Calculators” menu. In the variable list, the variable names and
their current values are displayed. You can move between these
variables by pressing “Down arrow key”or “Up arrow key.” In order to
select a variable to be used in the calculation, press “Space” on it. This
list is the same as the one in the “Recall Items” dialog box. The only
difference is that this dialog box always displays variable names and
values, regardless of the value of “Detail display” option. After you select
all of the variables to be used in the calculation, you can press “tab” to
move to the “result” list. The “result” list displays the sum, average,