User's Manual

Move to the previous table: Ctrl-F7
Move to the next table: Ctrl-F8
Move to the previous cell: Ctrl-shift-Left arrow key
Move to the next cell: Ctrl-shift-Right arrow key
Move to the upper cell: Ctrl-shift-Up arrow key
Move to the lower cell: Ctrl-shift-Down arrow key
Read current cell: Ctrl-shift-c
Move to the previous cell of the upper level table: Ctrl-Left arrow key
Move to the next cell of the upper level table: Ctrl-Right arrow key
Move to the upper cell of the upper level table: Ctrl-Up arrow key
Move to the lower cell of the upper level table: Ctrl-Down arrow key
Check the current position: Ctrl-shift-s
Move to the previous frame: Ctrl-F9
Move to the next frame: Ctrl-F10
Read the current line: Ctrl-shift-r
21.10 Daisy Player
Play/Pause: Space
Move to the beginning of document: Home or ctrl-home
Move to the last phrase: End or ctrl-end
Increase the speed: Shift-Right arrow key
Decrease the speed: Shift-Left arrow key
Increase the volume: Shift-Up arrow key
Decrease the volume: Shift-Down arrow key
Move to the next phrase: Right arrow key
Move to the previous phrase: Left arrow key
Move to the next fifth phrase: Ctrl-Down arrow key
Move to the previous fifth phrase: Ctrl-Up arrow key
Move to the next page: Page down key
Move to the previous page: Page up key
Go to the page: Ctrl-g