Operation Manual

Music Playback setting
In this setting interface, there are four options to be selected: repeat modeplay mode
EQ select and user EQ set .
Repeat mode
In this menu, there are seven options to be selected: once, repeat one, folder once, folder
repeat, All once, All repeat and Intro.
Play mode
In this menu, there are two options to be selected: order and shuffle.
EQ selection
In this menu, there are eight options to be selected: Normal/3D/ Rock/Pop/ Classic/ Bass/
Jazz/ User EQ.
User EQ set:
In this menu, there are five kinds of frequencyand there are 6 levels in every frequency
for user to adjust.
Radio setting
In this menu there are two options: Stereo Switch, FM region.
Stereo Switch. In this menu, there are two options: On and Off.