User's Manual

• Excessive sound pressure from headsets and headphones
can cause hearing loss.
• To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high
volume levels for long periods.
• Pleaseonlyusespeciedheadphoneswithyourphone.
Protecting the Environment
• You must dispose of your used phone or battery according
to local laws and regulations. Bring them to designated
place for proper recycling.
• Risk of explosion if battery is repalced by an incorrect type.
Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Do not dispose of used phones or batteries in a
household rubbish bin.
Cleaning and Maintenance
• Turno󰀨thephonebeforecleaningandmaintenance.Char-
ger should be unplugged from socket. Phone and charger
should be disconnected to prevent any electric shock or
short circuiting of battery or charger.
• Do not wipe the phone or charger by using chemical sub-
stance(alcoholbenzene),chemicalagents or abrasive
cleaning agents to avoid damaging its parts or causing mal-
function. You may clean with a slightly damp anti-static soft