User's Manual Part 1

AT7400 Owner Manual Rev. 2.0 October 2006-10-23 Section 2 - 1/9
Section 2 Master Control Unit
Module 4459
1. General Description
The main control unit, MCU, is the logical master unit acting all over the transmitter operational functions. The
MCU is constantly connected and exchanging information via RS485 with the UHF power amplifiers units and the
UHF exciter unit. External keyboard allows local changing on parameters and monitoring, displayed on a LCD
screen. Via a RS232, it is also possible to implement telemetry using either the Windows Hype Terminal, or via
Ethernet Web Server.
Fig.2.1: Front View MCU module 4459
2. Following, the main functions of MCU
2.1. Monitor and display the alarm status on each of the transmitter units.
2.2. Monitor the direct and reverse RF power, out from the intermediate directional coupler, module 4488,
avoiding a potential over driver to the power amplifiers.
2.3. Monitor the direct and reverse RF power, out from the output directional coupler, module 4429, and
inhibiting excessive RF power level on either direction.
2.4. Send to the exciter driver local control unit, via RS485 protocol, the set of programmed so ftware instructions
related with the broadcasting channel, and the associated power level.
2.5. MCU is composed by the following printed circuit boards:
2.5.1. 01 control unit; CI M3297.
2.5.2. 01 SNMP interface; CIM3453.
2.5.3. 01 Keyboard; CIM3112.
2.5.4. 01 LCD Display; CIM3108.