
H i t a c h i T r a v e l s t a r
5 K 1 0 0
Pro duc t Travelstar 5K100 Travelstar 5K100
Model names HTS541010G9AT00 HTS541010G9SA00
HTS541080G9AT00 HTS541080G9SA00
HTS541060G9AT00 HTS541060G9SA00
HTS541040G9AT00 HTS541040G9SA00
Sp eci fi cat io ns
Conguration Parallel ATA Serial ATA
Interface ATA-6 Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s
Capacity (GB)
100 / 80 / 60 / 40 f
Sector size (Bytes) 512 f
Recording zones 16 f
Data heads (physical) 4 / 4 / 3 / 2 f
Data disks 2 / 2 / 2 / 1 f
Max. areal density (Gbits/sq. inch) 86 / 70 / 70 / 70 f
Data buffer (MB)
8 f
Rotational speed (RPM) 5400 f
Latency average (ms) 5.5 f
Media transfer rate (Mbits/sec, max) 493 f
Interface transfer rate (MB/sec, max) 100 Ultra DMA mode-5 150
16.6 PIO mode-4
Seek time (read, typical)
Average (ms) 12 f
Load/Unload cycle 600,000 f
Requirement +5VDC (+-5%) f
Dissipation (Typical)
Startup (peak, max.) 5.0W f
Read (avg.) 2.0W f
Write (avg.) 2.0W f
Active idle (avg.) 0.85W 1.2W
Low power idle (avg.) 0.60W 0.85W
Standby (avg.) 0.2W 0.4W
Sleep 0.1W 0.2W
Physical Size
Height (mm) 9.5 f
Width (mm) 70 f
Depth (mm) 100 f
Weight - typical (g) 102 / 102 / 102 / 95 f
Environmental characteristics
Ambient temperature to 55° C f
Shock (half sine wave) 300 G / 2ms, 160G / 1ms f
Ambient temperature -40° to 65° C f
Shock (half sine wave) 1000 G / 1 ms f
Acoustics (A-Weighted Sound Power (Bels))
Idle (typ.) 2.5 / 2.5 / 2.5 / 2.2 f
Op (typ.) 2.7 / 2.7 / 2.7 / 2.4 f
RoHS compliant
yes f
GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity; accessible capacity may be less
Upper 417KB reserved for firmware
RoHS refers to the European Union Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment.
© 2004 Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
5600 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95193
Produced in the United States 9/04
All rights reserved.
Travelstar® and Adaptive Battery Life Extender™ (ABLE) are
trademarks of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies.
References in this publications to Hitachi Global Storage
Technologies products, programs, or services, do not imply that
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies intends to make these
available in all countries in which it operates.
Product information is provided for information purposes only,
and does not constitute a warranty. Information is true as of the
date of publication and is subject to change. Actual results may
vary. This publication is for general guidance only. Photographs
may show design models.
For mo re in fo rma ti on :
> www.hitachigst.com (Main Web site)
> www.hitachigst.com/vpp (Reseller Web site)
Technical Support E-mail:
> support_usa@hitachigst.com (N. America)
> support_ap@hitachigst.com (Asia Pacific)
> support_uk@hitachigst.com (EMEA and UK)
Technical Support Phone Numbers:
> 1 888 426-5214 (N. America)
> 65 6840 9595 (Asia Pacific)
> 44 20 7133 0032 (EMEA and UK)
> 49 6929 993601 (Germany)
Ho w t o R ea d t he Tra velst ar Mo de l N umb er
HTS541010G9AT00 = 100GB/8MB
H = Hitachi
T = Travelstar
S = Standard (E = Enhanced Availability)
54 = 5400 RPM
10 = Full capacity - 100GB
10 = Capacity this model 10 =100GB (80 = 80GB,
60 = 60GB, 40 = 40GB)
G = Generation code
9 = 9.5mm z - height
AT = ATA interface (SA = Serial ATA interface)
0 = Reserved
0 = Reserved
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies