
My TV/VCR is showino captions/
delay of what is being said. i
My captions are scrambled with
white boxes on the TV screen. ]
My program guide listed a TVJ
show as being closed captioned
but none of the captions were!
You are watching a live broadcast and spelling errors made by the closed I
captioning production company may pass through uncorrected. A
prerecorded program will not show arLy misspelled words because of the
normal time available for editing the captions.
Captions that are delayed a few seconds behind i'he actual dialogue are
common for live broadcasts. Most captioning production companies can
display a dialogue to a maximum of 220 words per minute. If a dialogue
exceeds that rate, selective editing is used to insure that the captions remain
up-to-date with the current TV screen dialogue.
Interference caused by building, power lines, thunderstorms, etc. may
cause scrambled or incomplete capdoas to appear.
Broadcasters may at times use a time compression process to speed up the
actual program so that additional advertising time can be given. Since the
decoder cannot read the compressed information, captions will be lost.
The video tape was either an illegal ccpy or the tape duplicating company
accidentally left out lhe captioning signals during the copying process.
displayed. ..........................
Ahhough the tape box says it has i
closed captions, my pre+recordedP
video tape does not show any'
MYoncertainTVscreenchannels.Showsa black box You are in the TEXT mode. Select CAPTION mode or CAPTION [OFF].
CA BLVE't" CLEA AJA'(; ,575R 17(73,6;
Wipe the front panel and other exterior surfaces of
the TV/VCR with a soft cloth immersed in lukewarm
water and wrung dry.
Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray
insecticide liquid near the TV/VCR. Such chemicals
may cause damage and discoloration to the exposed
Picture playback may become blurred or interrupted
while the TV program reception is clear.
Dirt accumulated on the video heads after long peri-
ods of use, or the usage of rental or worn tapes can
cause this problem. In this case, video head cleaning
requires highly technical attention, therefore consult
the nearest Authorized Service Center. Clean heads
only when problems occur.
Should your TV/VCR become inoperative, do not try,to
correct the problern by yourself. There are no user-serv-
iceable parts insice. Turn off, unplug the power cord,
and take the unit to the nearest AL':thorizedService Cen-
ter for servicing.
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