User Manual

More Ways to Watch (U.S. only)
Only in connected mode in the United States, More Ways to Watch gives you recommendations
about the shows you’re watching on the Antenna TV, HDMI, or AV input. You will automatically
get these recommendations in the Smart Guide and in the program information banner for
Antenna TV programs. However, before you can get recommendations for shows you’re
watching through the HDMI or AV inputs, you must opt into the Smart TV experience to
acknowledge that you want to allow the TV to use automatic content recognition (ACR). See
Opting in to Smart TV experience for details.
Not every show provides recommendations. For details about what you’ll see when a
recommendation appears, see Using More Ways to Watch.
Using More Ways to Watch
As you use More Ways to Watch, be aware that you’ll only see suggestions on your TV when
all of the following conditions are met:
Your TV is operating in connected mode in the United States.
If you are watching shows through and HDMI or AV input, you’ve enabled Smart TV
experience. (If you are watching Antenna TV channels, this setting does not matter.)
The program you’re watching contains the information needed to identify it. Note that
some programs, such as the daily news, typically do not activate More Ways to Watch.
At least one participating streaming channel offers the movie or TV show you are
watching, or other episodes, or more shows like the one you are watching.
If all of these conditions are met, you can view the suggestions. More Ways to Watch
recommendations appear in several places:
When watching the HDMI and AV inputs, you’ll see a More Ways to Watch notification in
the lower right corner of the screen for a few seconds unless you have disabled Enable
auto notifications: