Brush Cap
Groove for Driver
Wear Limit Line
1/4" (6mm)
11/16" (17mm)
No. 43 indicates the last
two numbers of carbon
brush Code No.
Flat Hd. Screw
Guard (C)
3. Inspecting the carbon brushes (Fig. 44 and Fig. 45)
The carbon brushes in the motor are expendable parts.
If the carbon brushes become excessively worn, motor trouble might occur.
Therefore, inspect the carbon brushes periodically and replace them when they have become worn to
the wear limit line as shown in Fig. 44.
Also, keep the carbon brushes clean so that they will slide smoothly within the brush holders.
The carbon brushes can easily be removed after removal of the brush caps (see Fig. 45) with a slotted
(minus) screwdriver.
Fig. 44 Fig. 45
4. Inspecting the mounting screws
Regularly inspect each component of the power tool for looseness.
Re-tighten mounting screws on any loose part.
WARNING: To prevent personal injury, never operate the power tool if any components are loose.
5. Inspecting the safety cover for proper operation
Before each use of the tool, test the safety cover (see Fig. 7) to assure that it is in good condition and
that it moves smoothly.
Never use the tool unless the safety cover operates properly and it is in good mechanical condition.
6. Storage
After operation of the tool has been completed, check that the following has been performed:
(1) Trigger switch is in OFF position,
(2) Power plug has been removed from the receptacle,
(3) Lock-off button has been removed and stored in a secure place.
When the tool is not in use, keep it stored in a dry place out of the reach of children.
7. Replacement of Guard (C)
After extended use of the tool, sometimes the groove of the Guard
(C) becomes wider. It should be replaced in this case.
When replacing with a new one, loosen the four 4mm flat head
screws and remove the Guard (C). After replacing, make a groove
on it. Refer to “1. Cutting a groove on the guard” on page 13.
Fig. 46