
There was no scene This message will appear if you try to delete multiple scenes on
which can be deleted. Disc Navigation when al! the selected scenes have been locked. 110, 118
Release the lock on scenes before executing deletion.
This card cannot be The card cannot be used in this DVD video camera/recorder: Use
used. another card. 27
Please replace card.
This disc cannot be A disc that cannot be used on this DVD video camera/recorder
used. Please replace has been loaded. Check the type of disc. 25
This disc is recorded by This DVD video camera/recorder can use only discs recorded on
the PAL system. Please the NTSC system. A disc recorded on the PAL system cannot be
replace disc. used on this DVD video camera/recorder.
Top scene cannot be Division is not possible at the start of scene.
Use AC adapter/
Use AC adapter/
Turn off powen
VIDEO scene cannot be
copied to card.
Write protected.
Check card.
Write protected.
Check disc.
The disc is not initialized or it is damaged.
if this message appears, be sure to initialize the disc on this DVD
video camera/recorder before using it.
Reinitializing even a disc used on this DVD video camera/
recorder may be necessary (initializing will erase all recorded
contents on disc), if this message appears, try to initialize the
disc. (f the same message stil! appears, the disc may be
damaged: Use another disc.
See *2 on page 166.
Finalization is not possible when the DVD video camera/recorder
is powered by a battery: Use the AC adapter/charger for
Scene cannot be repaired when the DVD video camera/recorder
is powered by a battery.
If the AC adapter/charger is unavailable in handy place, remove
the disc, use the opposite side, or use another disc. To repair the
removed disc, insert the disc into the DVD video camera/recorder
afterwards, and connect the AC adapter/charger.
No movie can be copied to card.
Select stills and copy them to card.
A card with the erase prevention switch locked is inserted: Unlock
the switch.
A write-protected disc is inserted.
Release the write-protect using the Disc Navigation menu.