Digital Camera User Manual

During recording
Pressinglhe REC button Is inpul imag8 copy-guards_*? 28, 84, 134,
_ill rTotstart recording. Is ihe disc wrils-protecled or lh8 card locked? "163
Rscording sl.,-_rLsbut Is discscPaLchedor doss dirt or fingsrprinl adhe_ 10ii*? 82
_iops irrlmediatsly. Clean ihe disc. If thsre is siill no improverhenl, rsplaco th8 disc.
Issortie ocherAV device di_cily connectedlo th8vidso;a_ldioinput,'
o_Cp_Cjack of Chis[3_/Dvi_eo c<'_rrler_rscords_
IfCheAV dsvice isconrTsctedvia ssveral ocher_ _/ic_s, such aTAV 83
selecta_;Chevi_ eo signal rh86,rlol b8 lransmills_ irTcorrsctl'>_In such
acags, _uc8 th8 rTutuber ofdevicss t hrou£h which lh8 vidsosignal
iT transrrlitted, or connsctAV d_ice _irectl'>_
At8 you atterhptingto recor_ imag8 froth video gam8 or PC?
From sorh8video gamss or POT, _rr_agecarTnoibe _cor_ 8d on this 83
DVD vidso carhsra/rscordsr.
LCD screen is hard to HaT bri£htasss of LCD scresr_besn adjusted? "10"1
_8_. SLop reco_dir_gand adjusl the brighlness.
Is ihe I_'D video camsra/recorder beir_g _sed ouldoors?
Use Chevisw_nder. Whsn usin£LOD motfilor, adjusiil8 erlgl88o lhal 38,48
LCD scresr_is r_ot8xposs_ to direcl s_mlight.
Focus i8 not co_rscL Is it difSculito us8 aulo focus wiCh"_.our subjecL? 72
Focus rhanually.
Does "_F" appsar?
The 15_'Dvideo camer_recorder is sol 10manual focus. F_s Che 71
subjsci rhanually,or release mar_ual_ocus.
Is ihe diopisr control correcily adjusled if you ar8 _sin£ th8
viswfndsr aT a monilor? 34
Adjusi th8 diopterconll_l.
In cases other lhar_th8 abo_e, gst ihe power swilch to "POWER
OFF_, and Chertsst ii to _i_ VIDEO°, _LJ PHOTO _or "_ PHOTO" 48