Digital Camera User Manual

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Photos on ¢a_ oarTnoi b8 This E_4Dvideo ca_ler_Vreoorder c_in play back image data
_lay8d b_ick, i_oorded on SD memory ca_ in _iher digiial o_imer_isconrormirlg
_oihe DCF (Design rule for Oam_ra File sysi_r,_) _tarldard. The
i_inge of image _ata norm_illyplayable orl lhis _ID video cam_rai
_oorder is that with pixel_ from 80 horizor_al x 60 _ertic_l to 4000
horiz_nial x 3000 vertic_l. If lhe pix_l _ ata isoulside ihis range, blue
ih_mbnails will appear (thumbnails" in ihe _gum), meaning the
image is unplayable.
Everl whenthe n_mb_r of pixelsi_ wiihinihe _ib_ rarlge, playback
may not be pr._ssibl8,dep_r_dingon lh_ reco_dingstaius_fihe digital
DCF (Design rule forOarnera Filesystam) is an inimgraimdirnagm[ile
rormai of digiial carheras: Irhage files oar_be used on all digilal
devices conrormir_g 1oDCF.
t will take some iim8 19 When playing back a still, "Playback? will appear: Stills with a ta_ge
2lay back phoios or_¢ar_. n_mber of pixels will lake some tirr_eta appear.