Digital Camera User Manual

1 Set tile power switch to
"1_0_'_3_ OF}<_ to turri tile
I)VD video caTnerai
recorder off,
2 I_ressdowrithe I)ISC ?:JggI
buttori once and release it.
[r] a ]nettler]t, tile cover of
disc irisert[ozl block will
open slight]):
3 CerJflyopezlthe cover unt_
it stops.
Whezl the cover is fully
open, tile dTsc will slightly
come oLit _offl t_J_ Ofso
guide, arid stop.
I%'onafterthe 12¢DvMeocamera/recorderi$ h_rnedon,
the disc¢_-{abe removed _nles$rtis inrecording _latu&
Holddown the DISC EdECT Puttot_for apof_cdmace[y2
se_t_ds, a_d _en releaseit to removethe disc. (The
DISC E,IECTindicatoron the LCD screeawill dlink.) Itis
recommended that yo_ tufa the E_]Dvideocamera/
recorderoffde'forerasertin£or removrngdiscto pr-_'ent
DOnotremovethe battery ordi*co aneotthe AC adapter,,'
charger during removal of the discor untilpcweri*
completelytL,rned Off:IfyeL,de, thedisc ¢o,_r will not
e_en.ftthishappens,rea_ theda_er,,orAC
ada_er/charger, pushdowa the DISC EJECTb_r¢_on
t dace,and then release it.
Denot insertaaylhin_otherthan the _ on DVl3_'\M er
1_43-Rdiscintothe di*c ia*ertieab_e¢K:Doin_SO_uld
CaL_$e tll_lf_trl_ie rl$.
8el the power_ilch to"POWI_NOFF" le turnthe_D
video canler4_'reco _e rofit
When inser_rlg or remOVil_£ the disc, be C_r_LII rlel _0
touch theiasideofI_D videocamera!recorder
(e,pedally, the len* of I_er pickup_see"lerminologyL
R160}).A[$O,BE_IJRE NOTto lookrotothe lens inla$er
pick_p: Doingso coulddama£e}'our eye*ight.