Digital Camera User Manual

YOLIca_ rt_cord p_]otos u_i_g tht_ _e_Ltimer _lr]CtJo_L as wit_] or_|ir_¢ _amera_,
2 Sele_ "0[_"_ a_d the[_ press the I_/11 buXom'l,
Th_ se]f-timer wJl] be set,
Press the MbNU button to end the settirJg,
8elgtinler r_rdi_g -- o_,
P_ess t_JeREC b_tto_t,
"[he record£_g indicator at the £"rox_tof I)VI)
v£deo caxnera/recorder wJl] bl£tk.
"[he se/±'-ti_ner i_dicator w_l start to cot_t
t]ov_, _lrld re_ort]ir]g wi]l _or_t_t_I_e
approx_r_ate]y _0 seconds later.
YO_ can1also Check that seff-:imer has been _t by
_e_i_i_ the o_¢4eenl i_lorm_o_.
TO re]e_e tl_e _[_4imer mo_e, ¢l_oo_e _Of _"o_ _e
mer_L__¢i_nl _rn DVD video C_mer_ii_¢O_e¢ O_
TO_p_n1_ _eff-_fme_, p_e_.__e _EC b_onl a_inl
before re,crYing _kxrts, Cr pres_ the huron.