user manual

3 - 75 Position Memory Function
The stage coordinates, both absolute and relative, can be memorized and retrieved.
200 absolute coordinates (20 points on each of 10 pages) and 20 relative coordinates can be
saved in total. Three axes, X, Y, and R, can be registered.
Click the Memory button on the Stage tab. The following Position Memory dialog window will
Fig. 3.5-49 Stage Memory Dialog Box
(1) Registration of absolute stage coordinates at the present stage position
Select a Page and Number, then click Get Position. The present coordinates are then
indicated in the X, Y and R boxes. Input any comments in the Comment box, and click
(2) Registration of absolute stage coordinates by direct input
Select a Page and Number, and input values to the X, Y and R boxes using the keyboard
followed by the Enter key. Input any comments in the Comment box, and click Save.
(3) Registration of relative stage coordinates using the present stage positions
(a) Select page Rel and Number.
(b) Move the stage (using RISM) to the first position and click Get Relative-1.
(c) Move the stage to the second position and click Get Relative-2.
The relative coordinates between the first and the second positions are calculated and
indicated in X, Y and R boxes.
(d) Input comments in the Comment box and click Save.