User Manual

Chapter 7 Explanation of Functions
7 - 32
7.5.15 Frequency addition function
The frequency addition function allows you to add or subtract the value specified as the frequency to be
added (A145) to or from the frequency value of a selected frequency command.
To use this function, assign function "50" (ADD) to an intelligent input terminal.
When the ADD terminal is turned on, the inverter performs the addition or subtraction of the value specified
as "A145".
Item Function code Data or ran
e of data Description
to be added A145 0.00 to 400.00
of the frequenc
to be added
ADD direction select A146
00 (Frequency command) + (A145)
01 (Frequency command) - (A145)
Terminal function C001 to C005 50
ADD selection of the trigger for adding
the frequency (A145)
Note 1: If the sign of the frequency value in the frequency command changes from minus (-) to plus (+), or
vice versa, as the result of frequency addition, the motor operation direction will be inverted.
Note 2: When the PID function is used, the frequency addition function can apply to PID target data. (In
such cases, the data display by function "A145" is in percentage [in steps of 0.01%]).
7.5.16 Remote control function (UP and DWN)
The remote control function allows you to change the inverter output frequency by operating the UP and
DWN terminals (intelligent input terminals).
To use this function, assign functions "27" (UP) and "28" (DWN) to two of the terminal [1] to [5] functions
(C001 to C005).
- This function is only effective for multispeed operation when "01 (terminal)" or "02 (oprater)" has been
specified for the frequency source setting (A001). If "01" (control circuit terminal block) has been specified,
this function is only effective when the analog command holding function (AHD) is enabled.
This function is ineffective when the external analog input has been specified for the frequency source
setting (A001). This function cannot be used to set frequencies for jogging operation.
When the UP or DWN terminal is on, the 1st and 2nd acceleration/deceleration time follows the settings of
"F002/F202”/”F003/F203". To switch between the 1st and 2nd controls, assign function "08" (SET) to
intelligent input terminals, and turn on and off the SET terminal for switching.
You can store the frequency settings adjusted using the remote control function (UP and DWN signals).
Set 01 (enable) on C101 to store the frequency settings.
In case of the C101=00, the set frequency returns to a value at the time of the power supply injection when
inverter is the under voltage state.
You can also clear the stored frequency settings. Assign function "29" (UDC) to an intelligent input terminal,
and turn on or off the UDC terminal to clear or store, respectively, the frequency settings adjusted with the
UP and DWN signals. In this case, the value obeys setting of C104.
Item Function code Data Description
Terminal function C001 to C005
27 UP: Remote control UP function
28 DWN: Remote control DOWN function
29 DWN: Remote control data clearin
Up/Down memory mode
00 Disabling the storage of frequency settings
01 Enabling the storage of frequency settings (*1)
Up/Down clear terminal input
mode selection
00 0Hz
01 Flash data when power suppl
is turn on
*1 Do not operate the UP or DWN terminal after the inverter power is shut off. Otherwise, the frequency settings may not be stored
Operation command
(FW or RV)
Turning on the UP and DWN terminals
at the same time disables acceleration
and deceleration.