
Code Function Name Setting Range
Setting During
(allowed or not)
Change During
(allowed or not)
Overload restriction
b021 Overload restriction operation mode
00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled during acceleration and constant-speed operation) /
02 (enabled during constant-speed operation) /
03 (
enabled during acceleration and constant-speed operation [speed increase at regeneration]
× 01
b221 Overload restriction operation mode, 2nd motor × 01
b022 Overload restriction level setting
Set a level between 20% and 200%/ 150% for the rated inverter current [A] (CT/ VT)
150% of
Rated current
b222 Overload restriction level setting, 2nd motor ×
b023 Deceleration rate at overload restriction 0.1 to 999.9 / 1000. to 3000. [s] × 1.0
b223 Overload restriction operation mode, 2nd motor 0.1 to 999.9 / 1000. to 3000. [s] × 1.0
b024 Overload restriction operation mode 2
00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled during acceleration and constant-speed operation)/
02 (enabled during constant-speed operation) /
03 (
enabled during acceleration and constant-speed operation [speed increase at regeneration]
× 01
b025 Overload restriction level 2 setting Set a level between 20% and 200% / 150% for the rated inverter current [A] (CT/ VT) ×
150% of
Rated current
b026 Deceleration rate 2 at overload restriction 0.1 to 999.9 / 1000. to 3000. [s] × 1.0
b027 OC suppression selection 00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled) × 01
b028 Current level of active freq. matching restart setting Set a level between 20% and 200% / 150% for the rated inverter current [A] (CT / VT) ×
Rated current
of inverter
b029 Deceleration rate of frequency matching restart setting 0.1 to 999.9 / 1000. to 3000. [s] × 0.5
b030 Start freq. to be used in case of active freq. Matching restart 00 (frequency at the last shutoff) / 01 (maximum frequency) / 02 (set frequency) × 00
b031 Software lock mode selection
00 (all parameters except b031 are locked when [SFT] terminal is ON) /
01 (
all parameters except b031 and output frequency F001 are locked when [SFT] terminal is ON
02 (all parameters except b031 are locked) /
03 (all parameters except b031 and output frequency F001 are locked) /
10 (High level access including b031)
× 01
b033 Motor cable length parameter 5 to 20 10
b034 Run / power ON warning time
0. (Warning disabled) / 1. to 9999. in units of 10 hours /
1000 to 6553 in units of 100 hours
× 0
b035 Rotation direction restriction 00 (Enable for both dir) / 01 (Enable for forward only) / 02 (Enable for reverse only) × × 00
b036 Reduced voltage start selection 0 (minimum reduced voltage start time) to 255 (maximum reduced voltage start time) × 2
b037 Function code display restriction
0 (full display) / 1 (function-specic display) / 2 (user setting) /
3 (data comparison display) / 4 (basic display) / 5 (monitor display)
× 04
b038 Initial-screen selection
000 (Func. code that SET key pressed last displayed) /
001 to 060 (d001 to d060) / 201 (F001) /
202 (Screen displayed when the STR key was pressed last)
× 001
b039 Automatic user parameter setting 00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled) × 00
Torque limit
b040 Torque limit selection 00 (quadrant-specic setting) / 01 (switching by terminal) / 02 (O input) × 00
b041 b044
Torque limit (1) (4) 0 to 200 [%] / no × 200
b045 Torque LAD STOP selection 00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled) × 00
b046 Reverse run protection 00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled) × 01
b049 Dual Rating Selection
00 (CT mode) / 01 (VT mode)
[1-phase 100V class is only with CT]
× × 00
Nonstop operation at
momentary power failure
b050 Selection of the nonstop operation
00 (disabled) / 01 (enabled) /
02 (nonstop operation at momentary power failure [no restoration]) /
03 (nonstop operation at momentary power failure [restoration to be done])
× × 00
b051 Nonstop operation start voltage setting 0.0 to 999.9 / 1000. [V] × × 220/440
b052 OV-LAD Stop level of nonstop operation setting 0.0 to 999.9 / 1000. [V] × × 360 / 720
b053 Deceleration time of nonstop operation setting 0.1 to 999.9 / 1000. to 3600. [s] × × 1.00
b054 Frequency width of quick deceleration setting 0.00 to 10.00 [Hz] × × 0.00
Window comparator
b060 Maximum-limit level of window comparators O 0 to 100 [%] 100
b061 Minimum-limit level of window comparators O 0 to 100 [%] 0
b062 Hysteresis width of window comparators O 0 to 10 [%] 0
b063 Maximum-limit level of window comparators OI 0 to 100 [%] 100
b064 Minimum-limit level of window comparators OI 0 to 100 [%] 0
b065 Hysteresis width of window comparator (OI) 0 to 10 [%] 0
b070 Operation level at O disconnection 0 to 100 [%] / no × no
b071 Operation level at OI disconnection 0 to 100 [%] /no × no
b075 Ambient temperature -10 to 50 [
C] 40
b078 Watt-hour reset 00 (OFF) / 01 (ON) 00
b079 Watt-hour display gain setting 1 to 1000 1
b082 Start frequency adjustment 0.10 to 9.99 [Hz] ( to 200Hz) × 0.50
b083 Carrier frequency setting 2.0 to 15.0 [kHz] × 2.0
b084 Initialization mode (parameters or trip history)
00 (disabled) / 01 (clearing the trip history) / 02 (initializing the data) /
03 (clearing the trip history and initializing the data) /
04 (clearing the trip history and initializing the data and EzSQ program)
× × 00
b085 Country for initialization 00 / 01 × × 00
b086 Frequency scaling conversion factor 0.01 to 99.99 1.00
b087 STOP key enable
00 (enabled) /
01 (disabled) /
02 (disabled only stop)
× 00
Function List
[ = Allowed × = Not parmitted]