User's Instructions

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Aircraft Flight Trimming Chart
The following chart may be used to systematically set up and trim a model for straight flight and
aerobatic maneuvers. Please note that for best results, trimming should be done in near-calm
conditions. Before you decide to make a change, be sure to try the test several times before
making adjustments. If any changes are made, go back through the previous steps and verify that
they are not also affected. If they are, make further adjustments as necessary.
To test for Test Procedure Observations Adjustments
1. Control
Fly the model straight and level Use the transmitter trims for hands-off
straight & level flight.
Change electronic subtrims or
adjust clevises to center
transmitter trims.
2. Control throws Fly the model and apply full
deflection of each control in
Check the response of each control
• Aileron high-rate: 3 rolls in 4 seconds;
low-rate: 3 rolls/6 sec
Elevator high-rate: to give a smooth
square corner; low-rate gives approx.
130 ft diameter loop
• Rudder: high-rate 30-35° for stall turns;
low rate maintains knife-edge
Change EPA (for high rates),
and Dual Rate settings (for
low rates) to achieve desired
3. Decalage Power off vertical dive
(crosswind if any). Release
controls when model vertical
(elevator trim must be neutral)
A. Model continues straight down
B. Model starts to pull out (nose up)?
C. Model starts to tuck in (nose down)?
A. No adjustment
B. Reduce incidence
C. Increase incidence
4. Center of
Method 1: Roll into near
vertically-banked turn.
Method 2: Roll model inverted
A1. Nose drops
B1. Tail drops
A2. Lots of forward stick (down
elevator) required to maintain level
B2. No forward stick (down elevator)
required to maintain level flight, or
model climbs
A. Add weight to tail
B. Add weight to nose
5. Tip weight
Fly model straight & level
upright. Check aileron trim
maintains level wings. Roll
model inverted, wings level.
Release aileron stick.
A. Model does not drop a wing.
B. Left wing drops.
C. Right wing drops.
A. No adjustment
B. Add weight to right tip.
C. Add weight to left tip.
6. Side Thrust &
Warped Wing
Fly model away from you into
any wind. Pull it into a vertical
climb, watch for deviations as
it slows down.
A. Model continues straight up.
B. Model veers left
C. Model veers right
D. Model rolls right
A. No adjustment
B. Add right thrust
C. Reduce right thrust
D. Put trim tab under left
wing tip *
7. Up/Down
Fly the model on normal path
into any wind, parallel to strip,
at a distance of around 100
meters from you (elevator trim
should be neutral as per Test
3). Pull it into a vertical climb
& neutralize elevator
A. Model continues straight up
B. Model pitches up (goes toward top of
C. Model pitches down (goes toward
bottom of model)
A. No adjustment
B. Add down thrust
C. Reduce down thrust
8. Tip weight
(fine adjustment)
Method 1: fly the model as per
Test 6 and pull into a
reasonably small diameter
loop (one loop only)
Method 2: fly the model as per
Test 6 and then push into an
outside loop (one only, fairly
A. Model comes out with wings level
B. Model comes out right wing low
C. Model comes out left wing low
A. No adjustment necessary
B. Add weight to left tip
C. Add weight to right tip