User's Instructions

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— Aileron trim
Aileron Trim is a special trimming function for gliders with either two or four wing servos.
It provides a simple way to adjust the position of the outboard wing controls (CH1 and CH5)
without resorting to the Speed Flap Trim menu. When you adjust the Aileron Trim setting, you
move the two outboard wing controls together — they go upwards or downwards together. In
models with four wing servos, you can use Aileron Trim together with the Dual Flap Trim
function (see below) to set any position of the wing controls without using subtrims.
Using Aileron Trim
1. Turn on Dual Aileron Trim by locating the AIL.T menu with the
Up Down Edit
AIL.T +64
2. Adjust the percentage to neutralize them relative to each other with the DATA keys.
— Aileron
Flap mixing (4WNG only)
To roll a sailplane, we must increase the lift on one wing and reduce lift on the other. The
model will of course roll towards the wing with reduced lift. For minimum drag when turning, we
want to have the way the lifting is done vary smoothly along the span (i.e. zero at the root and
maximum at the tips). Unfortunately, to do this requires a control surface that tapers from zero at
the root to maximum at the tip. Since this is impractical, we mix from the ailerons to the flaps as
shown below, so the inner ailerons don’t move as far as the outer ones. This is an approximation
of the ideal lift for rolling, and will reduce the drag created while banking the wings.
It’s more efficient to use both inboard and outboard wing controls to make a turn. For a
left turn, the left ailerons go up, the right ones go down. The length of the arrows is proportional
to the control movement (notice that inboard ailerons are programmed to move a smaller angle).
Rudder coupling is also shown and may be programmed with the R->A mixing function.
(view from behind)
Aileron->Flap mixing is turned on and off with the Flt. condition switch. You can adjust
the amounts of up and down mixing independently, which is nice if your model's flaps are hinged
on the bottom and they cannot move up past a certain point.