User's Manual

recommend that you try to keep all the trim values at the center position. If the values skewed to once
side, the servo's full range of travel may be restricted.
Setting Trims
At this point you must have your plane in front of you and turned on so you can actually see when the
control services are in alignment as you change the trim value.
1. Starting with the CH 1 aileron servo, use the trim switch to either increase or decrease the trim
value until the control surface is properly aligned on the model.
2. Move over to CH 2 with the trim switch and align the elevator in the same way.
3. Continue by moving to CH 3 for throttle and CH 4 for align the rudder.
S. REV (Servo Reverse)
When you first turn on your model, you will immediately see whether all the control surfaces are
moving in the correct direction when you wiggle the controls.
If any are moving in reverse, you can come to this screen to reverse the throw of the offending servo.
Reversing a Servo
Let's say your elevator is going down when you pull back on the joystick-that is definitely not going to
be a good situation when you go to fly your plane! To reverse the elevator servo, come to the switch in
front of the radio’s front panel. You'll notice that the symbol "NOR" and "REV", move the switch either
NOR or REV to make the servo to operate in proper direction
ELVN (Elevon Mix)
If you are setting up a tail-less delta or flying wing aircraft, you can use this program to activate the
pre-programmed elevon mix that mixes the output on the CH 1 aileron and CH 2 elevator servo
channels. (As you will notice in the servo connection chart, you plug one aileron servo in the
receiver's channel 1 slot and the other aileron servo into channel 2-the slot that usually feeds the
elevator.) This is necessary because on these wing types the ailerons must double as elevators.
Setting up Elevons
1) Activate the elevon function by pushing the pre-programmed switch to the left. Now check your
model to see what happens when you move the right-hand joystick side-to-side-the ailerons should go
up and down appropriately.
Move the joystick forward and back to see if the ailerons both respond correctly as elevators. If
necessary, use the REV function to reverse an offending servo.