User's Manual

3.1.4 Walk Test for Best Transmission/Reception
Before permanently mounting the base station, do a walk test with the base
station at various locations until the best possible transmission/reception is found.
To check transmission/reception, have two people walk around the area where the
headsets will be used, pressing the B button to communicate with each other, walking
past the menu board to test reception when using speed-team operation.
Note: If you need to extend the antenna coverage area, install a Remote Antenna Kit as
described in section 3.1.6, but do not permanently mount the antenna. Repeat the
walk test, while moving the antenna around the area to determine where the antenna
improves transmission/reception most.
3.1.5 Mount Base Station on Wall
When you have found the best location for transmission and reception, unplug the
power adapter and mount the base station at the desired location as follows.
Hold the base station against the wall, with its door open,
and mark the wall through the four screw holes on the
back of the cabinet, shown in Figure 14.
Set the base station down and drill four
(4.76mm) holes in the wall at the marked spots.
Insert the enclosed #6 screw anchors into the holes.
Screw the four enclosed screws into the anchors, leaving
the screw heads
inch (3.2 mm) away from the wall.
Mount the base station on the wall by placing the four
screw holes in the back of the base station over the four
screws, sliding the base station downward and then
tightening the screws to secure the base station in place.
Install optional switcher boards and vehicle detector
boards after mounting base station on wall.
3.1.6 Install Remote Antenna Kit (if needed)
The remote antenna kit allows one of the antennas to be mounted up to 30 feet
(9.14 meters) from the base station for improved coverage. With the extension cable
and mounting bracket, an antenna can be mounted inside a window or outside to
extend coverage for speed team operation. Install the remote antenna kit as follows.
Lay out the enclosed 30 foot (9.14 meter) antenna cable, with its female connector
near the base station and its male connector at the proposed area where the
antenna will be mounted. Bend and align the cable to the desired position.
Remove electrical power from the base station.
Remove (unscrew) the antenna from the top of the base station.
Screw the female antenna cable connector onto the base station antenna connector
where the antenna was removed.
Note: To minimize stress on the connector, bend the cable to line it up with the base
station antenna connector before connecting it.
Figure 14. Open base station
showing four screw holes