Operation Manual

Built-in devices
Chapter 10: Built-in devices
10.1 General Information
Please also refer to the instructions in Chapter 9 for opera-
ting gas devices, gas regulators and gas bottles.
Built-in devices may only be repaired by specialists.
In this chapter, you will nd information on the devices that
have been built into the motor home. This information refers
only to the operation of these devices. To some extent, the
devices described are special accessories. For further infor-
mation on the individual built-in devices, please refer to the
separate operating instructions that have been included in
the blue service bag found in the vehicle.
Only the device manufacturer's original spare parts may
be used for maintenance and repair work.
Any changes to the built-in devices as well as non-com-
pliance with the rules for use will cause the guarantee to
become void and lead to the exclusion of liability claims.
Furthermore, the operating licence for the device will
become void and, in some countries, this means that the
operating licence for the vehicle is also void.
Please observe the instructions in Chapter 7 for operating
electrical devices.