User Manual

Page 24 of 40 FIREli nk - 25 – Installation Manual
© 2010 Hochi ki E ur ope ( UK) Ltd
4 Installation
Before installing the detect or the local standar ds for installation of aspirating det ection systems must be
consulted as these standar ds dif fer thr oughout the world. Specific advi c e for one country may not be
applicable t o another. The foll owing is a brief set of guidelines on installing detec tors:
The detector wi ll normally be m ounted at a level where there is easy ac cess to the unit for
conf iguration and pr ogr amming.
The ex haust air from the unit m ust not be impeded in any way . If the unit is mounted in a different
air pressur e fr om where the ai r is bei ng sampl ed (for example an air duc t), then a pi pe m ust be
tak en from t he ex haust por t back to the same air pressure zone as the sampling holes.
Sampli ng holes should be fr ee from bur r s and swarf.
All si gnal c ables must be screened and must be of a suitable ty pe. T he specif ic type of cable will
normal ly depend upon the local fir e r egulations.
The unit must not be pl ac ed in ar eas where eit her the tem per ature or humi dity is outsi de the
specified operating range.
The unit shoul d not be placed in close proxim ity to any equipment expect ed to generate high Radio
Fr equenc y levels (such as radio alarm s) or units generat ing high l ev els of elec trical energy (such
as large electri c motors or generators).
In or der for the installation to c onform to EN54-20, pipes must conf orm at least to EN61386-1 Class
4.1 Docking Station
The basi c pri nc ipl e behind install ation of the FIREli nk - 25 is that all wiring and pipe-work is instal led using
a docking station. This i s a convenient feature which means that t he detector can be di smount ed or
replaced wi thout disturbing any wiring or i nstalled pipe-work.