User Manual

12 Hochiki TE-TLE True Loop Emulator – User Manual
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd 2-3-0-416/Mar04/Iss3
Windows 2000
Depending on configuration of your system, the software may need to be installed under an
"Administrator" as well as a "User" profile.
Starting the Emulator Software
The True Loop Emulator software can be started by selecting the True Loop Emulator
menu item in the Programs section of the Start Menu. If the installation used the default
settings, this menu item will be in a sub-menu called Hochiki.
Alternatively, once you have saved a configuration data file, you can start the software by
double clicking on the configuration data file.
The on-line Help documents several other ways to start the software (search for Start), but
the Start Menu method will do for now.
RAM Warning Message
To run the TE-TLE software version 2.0 or later requires at least 4 megabits of RAM memory
to be present within the interface. If the interface has less RAM than this you will be
presented with a warning on-screen informing you of this the first time you run the software
(see "Interface RAM requirements" on page 8).