User Manual

20 Hochiki TE-TLE True Loop Emulator – User Manual
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd 2-3-0-416/Mar04/Iss3
This is a sub-set of the menu items on the Device menu. Only those items that are
appropriate are shown. Select the Normal menu item to change the device back to the
‘Normal’ state.
Device Properties
Right-click again on address 72 and pick the Properties menu item. This displays a
dialogue box that has the properties for the device shown on various pages:
The tabs across the top of the dialogue box access the different pages here. Each device
type will have different pages, appropriate to the capabilities of that device. The device
shown above has a page for one analogue channel, for output channels, for the EEPROM
contents, for the device faults and for the interrupt status of the device.
The analogue page shows various values in decimal, hexadecimal and in calibrated units.
The user can change the decimal forms of some of these.