User Manual

36 Hochiki TE-TLE True Loop Emulator – User Manual
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd 2-3-0-416/Mar04/Iss3
The Event Record
The Event Record stores all events that happen in the True Loop Emulator system. These
include both events generated by the user at the computer and events generated by the
Control Panel. The Event Record is always running and its capability is only limited by the
amount of memory on the computer; it can usually store 32,000 events.
The online Help system contains a complete list of events that can be generated and their
meaning (Search for 'Event Summary').
Polling Start & Polling Stop Events
To reduce the amount of event data recorded in the Event Record, you can specify whether
start and stop events are added to the record or ignored. To do this take the File,
Options menu
options to display
the Options
dialogue window.
Select the
Display tab:
Check or uncheck the Record Polling Start/Stop checkbox to specify how these events are