User Manual

Hochiki TE-TLE True Loop Emulator – User Manual 9
Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd 2-3-0-416/Mar04/Iss3
Interface RAM Compatible Software Version
CREAM coloured case 1 megabit 1.0 only (but can be upgraded)
GREY coloured case 4 megabit 1.0 to 2.01
Connecting to the Computer
The computer and Interface are connected by a serial RS-232 ("straight") cable between the
9-way D-type connector on the Interface to a serial port on the computer.
The True Loop Emulator must be informed as to which serial port is being used. The PC
Communications property page of the Options dialogue box (from File, Options) is
used to accomplish this (see "Connecting the PC to the Interface" on page 31.
Connecting to a Control Panel
The Interface contains an electrical interface for four loops. Each loop consists of a pair of
Drive terminals (+ and -) and a pair of Return terminals (+ and -).
Each loop is isolated from the others. When a loop is set to be Open Circuit, the Drive and
Return sections are isolated from each other. When a loop is set with no Open Circuits, the
Drive and Return sections are directly connected to each other.
The Drive terminals of a loop from the Control Panel should be connected to the Drive
terminals of a loop on the Interface. The Return terminals on the Interface should be
connected to the Return terminals of the same loop on the Control Panel.
NOTE: Always ensure the loop polarity at the Interface is correct, as indicated by the + and -
When a Control Panel has been connected to the appropriate terminals on the Interface and
has been switched on, the LED's indicate voltage and polling information for each loop.
As the Control Panel polls each address, the computer loop display for that address ‘blinks’
(unless this has been turned off in the Options dialogue box) and a summary of polling is
shown in the bottom status bar.
Some Control Panel commands apply to a range of addresses; these are indicated by all
relevant addresses ‘blinking’ at the same time.