User's Manual

8 of 10
For obvious safety reasons, Holatron's design goal is to ensure that data communication
errors due to radio interference or to insufficient signal strength due to low battery,
exceeding specified range, or conductive objects in the signal path will result in failure of
intentional receiver actuation rather than unintended actuation. This goal is achieved by
transmitting a 64 bit noise-tolerant code repeatedly while a transmitter button is
depressed. 60 of these bits must match the pattern expected by the receiver. Thus,
there is one chance in (2 to the 60
power) of an actuation occurring due to reception of
a random signal. Expressed in decimal numbers, this is (1.1529 times 10 to the 18
power, or 11529 followed by 14 zeroes). This is a probability of 8.6736 times 10 to the
power (or a decimal point followed by 18 zeroes followed by 86736). Though this
probability of unintended actuation is extremely small, it cannot be guaranteed to be
zero. Therefore, it is important that the user not arm the receiver until all persons
who might be harmed by accidental actuation are in a safe area.
This repeater performs the same error checking that occurs in all Holatron receivers,
and it does not retransmit any commands that are not error free.