User's Manual

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Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum
Carrier Frequency, MHz.
314.95 315.00 315.05
Input range (line-of-sight from
standard Holatron xmtrs)
½ mile
Output range (line-of-sight to
standard Holatron rcvrs)
½ mile
Delay from end of rcvd
packet to start of packet
1 msec
Supply Voltage 5 VDC 6 VDC 14 VDC
Battery current (standby) 23 mA
Battery current (xmting) 26 mA
This section describes the recommended operating procedure and maintenance for the
smart repeater.
4.1.1 Set the Mode Selector Switch to the desired position from the table in
section 1.4.
4.1.2 Turn on the Power switch.
4.1.3 Verify adequate battery level by the flashing pattern as described in the
table in section 1.3. Replace the batteries if fewer than 2 flashes per
burst are observed.
4.1.4 Make sure no receivers in the vicinity are armed and connected to
devices to be fired, and then verify that an orange rapid flash occurs on
the status indicator when a transmitter on the selected channel is
actuated. A rapid green flash indicates that the wrong channel is
4.1.5 If a rapid orange flash was observed in the previous step, the repeater is
now operational. Close and latch the lid, and place the repeater box in its
desired location. It can be placed on the ground, but the higher it is and
the farther from conductive objects it is, the more effective it will be. It
should also be oriented with the antenna vertical for maximum range.
Suspending it from a point above the reach of spectators by a cord tied to
its handle has the dual advantage of enhancing range and preventing