User's Manual

H3-D Surround Sound Microphone User Guide
Rising Sun Productions Ltd. page 22
Dave Matthews Band
The Holophone H2-PRO was used by
Third Wave Productions, Hank
Neuberger and Terry Fryer to capture
material for the PBS HDTV 5.1
Channel Broadcast of the Dave
Matthews Band as part of the "Sound
Stage" series on PBS. The Holophone
was set at the Front of House Mix
position and was used to capture the
very convincing 3-Dimensional 5.1
surround ambience of the concert from
the crowd’s perspective.
Geoff Pryce, 2006, South America
“Capturing footage on the street, at concerts and scripted
interviews with some prominent names in Afro-Brazilian
music. We've just spent two weeks in Rio doing various
interviews with people like Gilberto Gil, Carlos Negreiros,
Virginia Rodriguez, samba club performances, general
vision etc. for Slave To The Rhythm. The Holophone has
performed fantastically, and as you can imagine, has been a
talking point and a great capture medium for the Afro-
sounds we're recording.”
Project Harvest
Project Harvest began late 2005 with one purpose: to successfully record up to 7.1 channels of
EVERYTHING! Joss Gardner and Craig Loftus, with the assistance of Wave Recording Studios, set
out to gather sounds from the globe in the pursuit of creating the highest quality surround sound
library. To accomplish such a task there was no doubt the Holophone H2-Pro would be needed. With
its ability to record up to 7.1 channels and its plug ‘n’ play capability the H2-Pro has successfully
captured everyday sounds of the world and will continue to do so for the next 12 months. (To learn
more about Project Harvest and to follow the guys on their incredibly journey go to