Data Sheet

Shenzhen Holyiot Technology Co.,Ltd
2. Introduction
2.1 Programmer
HOLYIOT-21031 module use the Serial Wire Debug(SWD port ), the module which layout the
SWDIO, SWCLK, VDD, GND for debug and flash your own firmware, more info about the SWD,
please visit
You can using the Jlink or Jtag for programmer.
2.2 Software development Tool
It supports the standard Nordic Software Development Tool-chain using Segger Embedded
Studio, Keil, IAR and GCC. More info please visit
2.3 Protocols
This module support Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth Low Energy,Bluetooth mesh,Thread,802.15.4,ANT,
2.4GHz proprietary. So we can use different protocols for different situations.
Software Development Kit
Nordic Semiconductor's Software Development Kits (SDK) are your starting point for software
development on the nRF51 and nRF52 Series. It contains source code libraries and example
applications covering wireless functions, libraries for all peripherals, bootloaders, wired and
OTA FW upgrades, RTOS examples, serialization libraries.
More info please visit
You can also download the SDK for coding development .
2.4 SoftDevices
Nordic Semiconductor protocol stacks are known as SoftDevices. SoftDevices are pre-
compiled, pre-linked binary files. SoftDevices can be programmed in nRF5 series devices, and
are freely downloadable from the Nordic website. Please download that here:
Over-The-Air DFU
The SoC is supported by an Over-The-Air Device Firmware Upgrade (OTA DFU) feature. This
allows for in the field updates of application software and SoftDevice.