Instructions / Assembly

Property of Homax Products, Inc.
Product: Homax Knockdown Aerosol Texture
(THD SKU 140875/Homax Item #4065-06)
Why do I have to shake the can?
You should shake the can hard a full minute before using and then stop to shake briefly every 15
seconds or so. The first shake is intended to move settled material off the bottom of the can and
break it up. Not shaking adequately may result in a clogged nozzle, poor spray pattern, or
excessively runny texture.
Shaking periodically during spraying helps recharge the pressure in the can and will help
maintain the spray pressure throughout the life of the can. Not spraying periodically during
spraying will result in weak spray delivery as the can is depleted.
Can I use this on the ceiling?
While the texture material is suitable for ceiling surfaces the spray nozzle is not configured for
spraying on ceiling surfaces. As the can is tipped to spray vertically, the pick-up tube inside the
can will eventually not be immersed in the texture liquid at the bottom of the can and it will only
spray gas. This will result in the propellant being depleted with texture remaining in the can.
Why does it spray with a slow or weak spray delivery?
Generally an aerosol knockdown texture will have a weaker spray than most other aerosols. This
is because it is designed not to atomize the contents, but rather spray a large splatter of material
on the surface. High pressure sprays break up the texture splatter too much. As long as the
texture will reach the wall surface with the desired splatter size, then it is spraying well.
There may be several other reasons for very weak or dribbling spray from the tip of the nozzle.
Most commonly, a weak spray (sprays only a few inches from the nozzle) is a result of the can
being sprayed at too cool of temperature. If the can itself is below 68 degrees, you may get a
poor spray delivery. If it is below 65 degrees, it will not likely spray well or at all, and you may
not get all the material out of the can. By simply warming up the can (This can be done by
running warm tap water over the can or placing it in a warm location for a period of time), it will
spray with a higher pressure spray.
Another reason for weak spray is failure to shake the can well prior to spraying or failure to
shake the can periodically while spraying. Shaking the can helps allow the propellant to build
pressure in the can as it is sprayed – this “recharges” the pressure in the can. As a rule of thumb,
for every 15 seconds of spraying time stop and shake the can about 10 shakes.

Summary of content (3 pages)