Installation Guide

Doc. ID: 131 Rev: 3 Effective: 1/25/2014 Page | 5
Floating Installation Procedure
Step 1 - Pre-install Activities
Rack up planks from several boxes.
Ensure ensure that the end joints are staggered at least 6” between the rows. See diagram below.
Inspect product for defects. If material is questionable, contact the retailer immediately. Do not proceed with installation
Step 2 Install Moisture Barrier (if on concrete) and Optional Underlayment if selected.
For concrete, let the moisture barrier run up the wall a bit before cutting to size.
Install the underlayment on top of the moisture barrier. Cut 1 inch from the wall. See diagrams below.
Step3 Install the First Row
Saw off the tongue from the lengt and width of the first plank. Create expansion gap by placing spacers be-tween the planks and the
walls for expansion.
Saw off the tongues from only the length of the remaining planks to be installed in the first row.
Use the angling method to connect and lock the joints between the planks. Remember to use the spacer for maintaining expansion
gap. See diagrams below.
Step 4 Install the Remaining Rows
Stagger the end joints by at least 6 inches. Use angling method to lock the joint along the long edge.
Use the angling technique to lock the long edge together.
Use either the tapping block or pull bar to drive the next plank toward the first plank until the end joints are locked.
Repeat the steps until the row is complete. See diagrams below.