Operation Manual

Voice Commands
Audio Commands
Voice Commands
Temperature max hot
Temperature max cold
Driver temperature max hot
Driver temperature max cold
Audio Commands
The system accepts these commands on
most screens.
Audio on
Audio off
* This command toggles the function on
and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
Audio volume levels cannot be controlled
using voice control.
Radio on
Radio off
Radio select FM1
Radio select FM2
Radio select AM
Radio tune to # FM (#: frequency, e.g.,
Radio tune to # AM (#: frequency, e.g.,
Radio seek up
Radio seek down
Radio next station
Radio Commands
Radio preset # (#: 1 to 6)
Radio FM preset # (#: 1 to 6)
Radio FM1 preset # (#: 1 to 6)
Radio FM2 preset # (#: 1 to 6)
Radio AM preset # (#: 1 to 6)
Radio auto select*
Radio scan*
* These commands toggle the function
on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.
INSIGHT_KA-31TM8820.book 191 ページ 2011年8月9日 火曜日 午後3時31分