Operation Manual

Map Menu
Map Legend
Display or hide all icons on the map screen, with the exception of Honda/Acura
Dealer icons which are always shown.
Landmark icon
Map Icons and Functions
Icon display
Honda/Acura dealer Always on Yes Yes
Hospital Yes Yes Yes
School Yes Yes Yes
ATM Yes Yes Yes
Gas station Yes Yes Yes
Restaurants Yes Yes Yes
Post office Yes Yes Yes
Grocery store Yes Yes Yes
Hotel/Lodging Yes Yes Yes
Police station No icon No Yes
Shopping, Tourist attraction, Bank No icon No Yes
Parking garage Yes Yes Yes
Parking lot Yes Yes Yes
Freeway exit info. Yes Yes No
1 Map Icons & Functions
You can display or hide the icons using voice
commands on the map screen (e.g., say d
“Display hospital”).
2 Map Display Commands P. 188
Some icons, like police stations, are not shown,
but you can still locate the nearest one with the
Find Nearest voice command (e.g., say d “Find
nearest police station”).
2 Find Place Commands P. 189
Icon display control
Icons that can be displayed or hidden.
Icon selectable
Icons that can be selected as a destination using
the joystick.
Icon searchable
Icons that can be searched using the d Find
Nearest voice command.
INSIGHT_KA-31TM8820.book 96 ページ 2011年8月9日 火曜日 午後3時31分