User Manual

SmartRadar FlexLine Part No.: 4417.762_Rev07
6 - 74 Service Manual
corrected) distances with the real pin positions.
If the correction is properly made, both values of each of the three pins
should be equal to each other.
FIGURE 6-12 Ullage correction using the verification pins
If the product level in the tank is above pin position 1 or below pin
position 3, the correction is extended by the following estimation:
above pin1: there is an interpolation from the radar zero point (no
correction) to the position of pin 1 (with its correction).
below pin 3: the correction found at pin 3 is valid for the range below
pin position 3.
At installation of the verification pins, the distances of the pins towards
the flange of the stilling well (L1, L2, and L3) are noted.
The FlexLine measures ullage from the radar zero point.
NOTE: The radar zero point from the FlexLine with an H04
Antenna is located at the flange of the tank
separator. See FIGURE 6-13.
In case the 1” ball valve is used (that is with antenna models H04/N1
and H04/N4), an offset must be added to the distances of the
verification pins.
The above found verification pin distances must be entered in the
following entities:
Entity name Explanation
Verification pin physical position 1 Physical ullage of verification pin 1 with
respect to radar zero
Verification pin physical position 2 Physical ullage of verification pin 2 with
respect to radar zero
Verification pin physical position 3 Physical ullage of verification pin 3 with
respect to radar zero