User Manual

Part No.: 4417.762_Rev07 SmartRadar FlexLine
Service Manual 6 - 159
[Smoothing level] See FIGURE 6-42 floating point numbers:
<-x.x .. +x.x>
[MPT element position mode]
[Only for MPT]
Determines whether the
element positions are
automatically calculated
(based on sensor length) or
manually entered.
[RTD element positions]
[Only for MPT]
If MPT element position
mode is MANUALLY then
here the positions can be
filled in.
floating point numbers:
<-x.x .. +x.x>
[Averaging constant filter]
Enables or disables a
averaging constant filter.
[Averaging constant]
Value of how much of the
old calculated value is used
with respect to the new
calculated value
<0.0 .. 1.0> <0.9>
[Temperature range check]
Enables or disables the fact
that an element which is
outside a temperature
range will lead to
temperature fail.
(See also FIGURE 6-41.)
[Element skipping]
Enables or disables the fact
that elements can be
skipped if an element is
outside a temperature
[Maximum skipped elements]
The number of elements
that can be skipped
<1,2> <1>
[Median filter]
Enables or disables a
median filter of 5 levels
deep (spike filtering).
[Temperature calculation method]
The way the average
temperature is calculated
(see also features above)
Name Explanation Value Range Default