User Manual

SmartRadar FlexLine Part No.: 4417.762_Rev07
6 - 4 Service Manual
After having checked/set all before listed entities, make sure
[Board Commissioned] and the [BPM slave Commissioned] entities are
[Board Health] and the [BPM slave Health] entities are <GOOD>.
[Pressure units] <pascal>
<kilo pascal>
<psi small>
(2 digits before
<psi large> (3 digits before
<pascal> The unit in which pressure-
related GPU records and
items are shown
[Density units] <kilogram m3>
<degrees API>
<pounds ft3>
<kilogram m3>
The unit in which density-
related GPU records and
items are shown
[Decimal separator] <point>
<point> The decimal separator in
which GPU-related records
and items are shown
[Level type] <innage>
<innage> The level-related GPU
records and items can be
shown as an innage or
Innage is the level of the
product measured from
the bottom.
Ullage is the level of
free space from the roof
till the product.
[Password] <......> 6 characters <ENRAF2> Password for entering the
protected level.
Note: Some settings reside
under the protected level.
[Function identification] <......> 13 characters <BPM-slave> The name of the current
function of this module.
This name is visible on the
SmartView display.
Name Value Range Default Value Explanation