User Manual

Table Of Contents
Installation for Windows
Setting the WaveLAN Parameters
WaveLAN/IEEE Turbo 11 Mb PC Card 3-19
You can identify up to 4 different key values to decrypt wireless
data, and select one of these keys to encrypt wireless data
Subject to the type of WaveLAN PC Card, the key value of your
choice may either be:
5 alphanumeric characters in the range of “a-z”, “A-Z” and “0-
9” for Silver cards.
16 alphanumeric characters in the range of “a-z”, “A-Z” and “0-
9” for Gold cards.
The alphabetical characters you select are “case-sensitive”.
Secu1 for silver cards, or Security Key1234 for Gold
Alternatively, you may select to enter a hexadecimal string,
preceded by the characters “
0x”values, being either:
10 digit hexadecimal values in the range of “A-F” and “0-9” for
Silver cards.
32 digit hexadecimal values in the range of “A-F” and “0-9” for
Gold cards.
0xABCD1234FE for Silver cards, or
0x1234567890ABCDEF0987654321FEDCBA for Gold cards
To allow encrypted data communications, you must set the
same encryption key values on all stations and/or access
Carefully write down the values you enter here, and keep
this note in a secure place.
The values you enter on the encryption tab, will only be
visible the first-time you enter the keys. After closing this
tab, all key values will be displayed as “
” every
time the tab is displayed again.