User's Guide

Group elements
ISA100 Network Address
Displays the network address details like
IPv6 Address (128-bit network address),
EUI64 (unique ID), Short Address (16-bit
number assigned by system manager), and
the Routing Level.
Note: When you move the mouse pointer
over the partially visible data on the Property
Panel, the complete data is visible.
ISA100 Time
Displays the tag name and the 16bit address
of the time master of the device, and the time
distribution level.
Device Management
Displays the power supply status as Line
Powered (for access points) or Battery
Powered (for routing devices). By default,
power status is always Line Powered for
Routing Assignment
Displays the routing configuration of the
device. The different types of configuration
are Non-Routing Device, Routing Device,
and Not Applicable. By default, Routing
Assignment is not applicable for FDAP and it
should not be changed.
Role Capability
Displays the capable roles of a device. By
default, FDAP can be an access point device,
if you enable over-the-air provisioning then it
can act as a provisioning device.
The different roles that can be configured are
Provisioning Handheld device, System Time
Source, Security Manager, System Manager,
Gateway, Access Point, Routing Device, and
I/O Device. If the Ethernet is plugged, it acts
as an access point and if the Ethernet is
unplugged, it acts as a routing device.
Assigned Role
Displays the current assigned role of the
Consists of the Join Command parameter
which is used to restart a device or to reset a
device to factory default state. Join
Command parameter has the following
Warm Restart: To restart a device.
Warm Restart preserves static and
constant attributes data.
Restart as Provisioned: To reset the
device to factory default state. Restart as
Provisioned corresponds to the
provisioned state of the device in which
the device only retains the data received
during its provisioning.