User Manual Part 2

Dolphin® 9500/9550 Mobile Computer User’s Guide 2 - 11
Setting the Time and Date
It is a good idea to set the time and date now before you begin using the device. You must set the time zone first.
To set the time and date, go to Start > Settings > Systems tab > Clock to set the date and time.
You need to re-set the time and date after every hard reset of the terminal.
Step 7. Verifying That Your Dolphin 9500/9550 is Working Properly
After you have completed the initial setup and set the time and date, the Dolphin 9500/9550 terminal is ready to use. Run the
Image and/or Scan demo to verify that the terminal is operating properly and test the imaging functionality.
To verify image capture:
1 Go to Start > HHP Demos > Image Demo .
2 Press the SCAN key. A preview of the image appears on the terminal’s screen.
3 Release the SCAN key. The image is captured.
4 Press the ESC key to go back to the main menu.
To verify decoding:
1 Go to Start > HHP Demos > Scan Demo .
2 Press the SCAN key, aim the terminal at a bar code and the red SCAN LED illuminates. When a good scan is obtained, the
green SCAN LED illuminates and the terminal beeps. Information about the bar code scanned appears on the screen.
3 Press the ESC key to exit the demo and return to the main menu.