Operation Manual

Figure 6: RFID Read Point
Firefighters should scan their tags into the SCBA at the start of the shift or when the SCBA is first used by the firefighter.
Equipment tags should be read into the SCBA when the SCBA is installed on the apparatus or vehicle storage area.
The steps to read either the firefighter tag or equipment tag is defined as follows:
1. Start SCBA from sleep state.
2. Press and hold acknowledgement button on Telemetry Auxiliary Module for 2 seconds. Amber LED will start flashing
indicating RFID reader has turned on and is waiting for RFID tag read. RFID reader function will only be available for
60 seconds after SCBA wakes from sleep state.
3. Place RFID tag on Telemetry Module reader icon as shown in Figure 6.
4. Amber LED flashes twice and stops flashing indicating read successful.
The Responder software installer can be obtained from your Honeywell dealer and requires an Internet connection.
Download the installer program onto your desktop and open the file. A Windows dialog may appears asking if you want to
install the software. Select “Yes” and continue. The following screen will be presented
Figure 7: Installer Start Screen
The installer will lead you through several screens to setup and configure your computer. Windows MSSQL Express 2014
may also need to be installed if you don’t already have that on your computer. If you are running Windows 7, .NET
Framework 4.2 may also need to be installed. The installer program will install all the pre-requisites and install the
Responder software. After the software has completed installing, a setup screen requesting selection of the radio channel
and mesh IDs. Select the defaults if you have not been provided different values by your dealer.
To start the Safety Suite Responder PC Software, first connect the Host Radio Module to the USB serial cable with the
round connector. Connect the cable to the PC using an available USB port. Start the Honeywell Responder software and
the first screen should appear as shown in figure 8. The PC software automatically detects and connects to the Host radio
through the USB port.