User's Guide

Table Of Contents
3 - 6
Reset Scanner
Scanning this bar code reboots the scanner and causes it to relink with the base.
Scanning While in Base Cradle
If you want to be able to scan bar codes while the scanner is in the base, scan the following Scanning in Cradle On bar code.
If you want to only allow scanning when the scanner is out of the base, scan Scanning in Cradle Off. Default = Scanning in
Cradle On.
Note: When Scanning in Cradle Off is selected, the scanner will not scan any bar codes while it is in the base. It will only scan
when removed from the base.
Base Charging Modes
When the base has both an external power supply (plugged into the auxiliary power port) and a host interface cable, it will draw
its power from the external power supply. When the base does not have an external power supply, it draws its power from the
interface cable. However, the scanner battery charges more slowly from a host interface cable than if auxiliary power were
available. Using the following selections, you can specify whether the scanner battery is charged from power supplied via the
host interface cable.
When Base Charge Off is selected, the scanner battery does not charge when the scanner is in the base cradle.
When External or Interface Cable Power is selected, the scanner battery charges from the base’s external power supply, if
there is one. If there is no external power supply to the base, the scanner battery charges from the interface cable.
When External Power Only is selected, the scanner battery only charges from the base’s external power supply. If there is no
external power supply, the scanner battery does not charge.
Default = External or Interface Cable Power.
Reset Scanner
Scanning in Cradle Off
* Scanning in Cradle On
Base Charge Off
External or Interface Cable