User's Guide

Table Of Contents
3 - 11
Batch Mode
Batch mode is used to store bar code data when a scanner is out of range of its base, or when performing inventory. The data
is transmitted to the base once the scanner is back in range or when the records are manually transmitted.
Note: Batch Mode is only supported by the Honeywell Charge and Communication Base (CCB) and Honeywell Access Point
Automatic Batch Mode stores bar code data when the scanner is out of range of the base. The data is automatically transmit-
ted to the base once the scanner is back in range. When the scanner’s buffer space is full, any bar codes scanned generate an
error tone. In order to scan bar codes again, the scanner must be moved back into range of the base so data can be transmit-
Inventory Batch Mode stores bar code data, whether or not you are in range of the base. To transmit the stored data to the
base, either place the scanner in the base, or scan Transmit Inventory Records (page 3-15). When the scanner’s buffer space
is full, any bar codes scanned generate an error tone. In order to scan bar codes again, the data must be transmitted to the
Default = Batch Mode Off.
Batch Mode Beep
When scanning in Batch Mode, the scanner beeps every time a bar code is scanned. When Batch Mode Beep is On, you
will also hear a click when each bar code is sent to the host. If you do not want to hear these clicks, scan Batch Mode
Beep Off. Default = Batch Mode Beep Off.
* Batch Mode Off
Automatic Batch Mode
Inventory Batch Mode
* Batch Mode Beep Off
Batch Mode Beep On