User's Guide

HH1800 User Guide 139
Planet Code, Postnet, and Postal-4i On
Planet Code, Postnet, and Intelligent
Mail Barcode On
Planet Code, Postal-4i, and Intelligent
Mail Barcode On
Postnet, Postal-4i, and Intelligent Mail
Barcode On
Planet Code, Postal-4i, and Postnet
with B and B’ Fields On
Planet Code, Intelligent Mail Barcode,
and Postnet with B and B’ Fields On
Postal-4i, Intelligent Mail Barcode, and
Postnet with B and B’ Fields On
Planet Code, Postal-4i, Intelligent Mail
Barcode, and Postnet On
Planet Code, Postal-4i, Intelligent Mail
Barcode, and Postnet with B and B’
Fields On
Planet Code Check Digit
This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be transmitted at the end
of Planet Code data. Default = Don’t Transmit.