User's Guide

32 HH1800 User Guide
Low Resolution PDF Codes
This setting improves the scanner’s ability to read low resolution PDF codes. When Low
Resolution PDF Codes On is scanned, poor quality PDF code reading is improved, but the
scanner’s snappiness is decreased, making it less aggressive when reading good quality
barcodes. This setting does not affect 1D barcode reading. Default = Low Resolution PDF
Codes Off.
Low Resolution PDF Codes On
* Low Resolution PDF Codes Off
When CodeGate is On, the trigger is used to allow decoded data to be transmitted to the host
system. The scanner remains on, scanning and decoding barcodes, but the barcode data is not
transmitted until the trigger is pressed. When CodeGate is Off, barcode data is transmitted
when it is decoded. Default = CodeGate Off Out-of- Stand.
* CodeGate Off
CodeGate On
Hands Free Time-Out
The Scan Stand and Presentation Modes are referred to as “hands free” modes. If the
scanner’s trigger is pulled when using a hands free mode, the scanner changes to manual
trigger mode. You can set the time the scanner should remain in manual trigger mode by
setting the Hands Free Time-Out. Once the time-out value is reached, (if there have been no
further trigger pulls) the scanner reverts to the original hands free mode.
Scan the Hands Free Time-Out barcode, then scan the time-out duration (from 0- 300,000
milliseconds) from the Programming Chart, beginning on page 211, then Save. Default = 5,000
Hands Free Time-Out