User Manual

Xenon XP User Guide 105
If the time-out period expires before a high priority symbology is read, the scanner
will read any bar code in its view (low priority or unspecified). If there is no bar code
in the scanner’s view after the time-out period expires, then no data is reported.
Note: A low priority symbol must be centered on the aiming pattern to be read.
Scan a bar code below to enable or disable Preferred Symbology. Default = Pre-
ferred Symbology Off.
High Priority Symbology
To specify the high priority symbology, scan the High Priority Symbology bar code
below. On the Symbology Charts on page 295, find the symbology you want to set
as high priority. Locate the Hex value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex
value from the Programming Chart, beginning on page 309, then Save. Default =
Low Priority Symbology
To specify the low priority symbology, scan the Low Priority Symbology bar code
below. On the Symbology Charts on page 295, find the symbology you want to set
as low priority. Locate the Hex value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex
value from the Programming Chart, beginning on page 309.
If you want to set additional low priority symbologies, scan FF, then scan the 2 digit
hex value from the Programming Chart, beginning on page 309, for the next sym-
bology. You can program up to 5 low priority symbologies. Scan Save to save your
selection. Default = None.
Preferred Symbology On
* Preferred Symbology Off
High Priority Symbology
Low Priority Symbology