User Manual

Xenon XP User Guide 139
B3 is the “Insert symbology name” command
F4 is the “Insert a character multiple times” command
20 is the hex value for a space
01 is the number of times the space character is sent
B4 is the “Insert bar code length” command
F4 is the “Insert a character multiple times” command
20 is the hex value for a space
01 is the number of times the space character is sent
F1 is the “Send all characters” command
0D is the hex value for a CR
The data is output as:
Code128 20 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ
Insert key strokes
B5 Insert a key stroke or combination of key strokes. Key strokes are dependent on your
keyboard (see Keyboard Key References on page 305). Any key can be inserted,
including arrows and functions. Syntax = 5CB5xxssnn where xx is the number of
keys pressed (without key modifiers), ss is the key modifier from the table below, and
nn is the key number from the Keyboard Key References,page 305.
For example, B501021F inserts an “A” on a 104 key, U.S. style keyboard. B5 = the
command, 01 = number of key press events (without the key modifier), 02 is the key
modifier for Shift Right, and 1F is the “a” key. If a lower case “a” were to be inserted,
B501001F would be entered.
Key Modifiers Hex
No Key Modifier 00
Shift Left 01
Shift Right 02
Alt Left 04
Alt Right 08
Control Left 10
Control Right 20