User Manual

182 Xenon XP User Guide
EAN-13 Beginning with 434/439 Addenda Required
This setting programs the scanner to require any combination of a 2 digit addenda
or a 5 digit addenda on EAN-13 bar codes that begin with a “434” or “439. The fol-
lowing settings can be programmed:
Require Addenda: All EAN-13 bar codes that begin with a “434” or “439” must
have a 2 digit addenda, a 5 digit addenda, or a combination of these addenda. The
EAN-13 bar code with the addenda is then transmitted as a single, concatenated
bar code. If the required addenda is not found within the Addenda Timeout period,
the EAN-13 bar code is discarded.
Don’t Require Addenda: If you have selected Require Addenda, and you want to
disable this feature, scan Don’t Require Addenda. EAN-13 bar codes are transmit-
ted, depending on the setting you are using for EAN/JAN-13 Addenda Required.
Default = Don’t Require Addenda.
EAN-13 Beginning with 977 Addenda Required
This setting programs the scanner to require a 2 digit addenda only on EAN-13 bar
codes that begin with “977.” The following settings can be programmed:
Require 2 Digit Addenda: All EAN-13 bar codes that begin with “977” must have a
2 digit addendum. The EAN-13 bar code with the 2 digit addendum is then trans-
mitted as a single, concatenated bar code. If a 2 digit addendum is not found
within the Addenda Timeout period, the EAN-13 bar code is discarded.
Don’t Require 2 Digit Addenda: If you have selected Require 2 Digit Addenda, and
you want to disable this feature, scan Don’t Require 2 Digit Addenda. EAN-13 bar
codes are transmitted, depending on the setting you are using for EAN/JAN-13
Addenda Required.
* Don’t Require Addenda
Require 2 Digit Addenda
Require 5 Digit Addenda
Require 2 or 5 Digit Addenda